The Guernsey Lifestyle

Guernsey combines many elements of UK culture with the benefits of living abroad.

The island is English-speaking, uses the pound sterling and is in the same time zone as the UK, but enjoys a more temperate climate similar to northern France.

Its coastline of cliffs, beaches and harbour ports, combined with its French influence, offer a relaxed lifestyle with an excellent work-life balance. There are plenty of sports and leisure opportunities to enjoy, from surfing to sailing.

The bustling harbour town of St Peter Port is not only one of the prettiest in Europe, but features high quality restaurants where chefs from around the world draw on fresh, local produce. It also offers independent boutiques and jewellers, in addition to familiar high street brands.

With its low crime rate and strong sense of community, Guernsey presents a stable, centred and safe space to start a new home.

Got a question? We're here to help.

With over 50 years of experience, Swoffers are Guernsey’s largest and most established estate agent and your team of property professionals.

Mortgage Calculator


Document Duty
Monthly Repayments
(Additional Residence Duty* )
You also need to factor in legal fees, court, Greffe, registration and bond fees which are variable depending on the size, nature and complexity of the purchase. *Properties purchased that are not utilised as a primary residence will incur an additional 2% document duty.

To find out more about a Swoffers Mortgage,
please call us today on 01481 711766

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