An international Finance centre of excellence

Guernsey is a leading international finance centre, with a renowned reputation for banking, fund management, private wealth, fintech and insurance.

Financial services have been the backbone of the island’s economy for over 30 years and in that time Guernsey has established itself as an international finance centre of excellence, having been at the forefront of financial innovation, such as the development of the protected cell company.

The island’s high regulatory standards, compliant and transparent tax regime, and positive relationship with the UK and Europe, have created a fiscal environment perfectly suited to enable businesses to flourish.

Got a question? We're here to help.

With over 50 years of experience, Swoffers are Guernsey’s largest and most established estate agent and your team of property professionals.

Mortgage Calculator


Document Duty
Monthly Repayments
(Additional Residence Duty* )
You also need to factor in legal fees, court, Greffe, registration and bond fees which are variable depending on the size, nature and complexity of the purchase. *Properties purchased that are not utilised as a primary residence will incur an additional 2% document duty.

To find out more about a Swoffers Mortgage,
please call us today on 01481 711766

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