To make your move go as smoothly as possible we’ve put together a checklist to help you out.
1. After signing conditions of sale or notifying your landlord
Book removal company or if you’re moving yourself, hire a van or enlist friends to help.
2. Two weeks before your move
Request Final Readings:
Guernsey Water 01481 724552 or
Guernsey Electricity 01481 200700 or
Guernsey Gas 01481 724811 Ext 264 or
- Arrange in advance for children and pets to be looked after during the move.
- Start packing non essential items such as books and non-seasonal clothes.
- Start using up items from the freezer.
- Get quotes for insurance cover for your new home.
3. The week before your move
- If you have a cesspit, empty it and inform the sewage department of your move by calling 01481 229500.
- Settle milk and paper bills in advance and cancel deliveries.
- Cancel any regular fuel deliveries.
- Redirect your post.
- Call in to any Guernsey Post branch, email, or call 01481 726241.
- Start notifying contacts about your move.
4. The day before you move
- Switch off and defrost fridge/freezer.
- Collect all keys for the property (to be delivered to advocate prior to court).
- Clean and tidy the property.
- Leave a folder of useful documents from your house for your purchaser.
5. On completion day
- Turn up at your advocates in good time prior to Conveyancing Court.
- Transfer Home/contents insurance to your new address.
6. Moving and packing advice
- De-clutter before you start packing. It’s the ideal time to clear out unwanted items. Better to gift them to friends or donate to charity shops than to take up space in your new home!
- Don’t forget to clear out sheds, garages and lofts.
- When packing put heavy items in smaller boxes and light items in large boxes.
- Label boxes with the room they are going to. Keep special / fragile items to one side to load last or take in the car.
- When taking apart furniture put screws, bolts etc in a freezer bag and tape it a larger piece so they won’t get lost.
- Have a box for remotes and cables for audio visual appliances.
- Set aside a ‘survival box’ with all of the linens and toiletries you’ll need for the first night as well as tea / coffee making essentials and food for any pets moving with you.
- Ensure there is adequate parking and access for when you arrive.
- You may need to make arrangements with neighbours or the Environment Department.
7. Who to notify
Telephone companies (Landline and mobile and broadband provider)
Social Security Department 01481 732500
Income Tax Authority 01481 724711
Vehicle Registration 01481 243400
Electoral Roll 01481 717000
Bank or Building Society Credit card company, Pension provider, Insurance companies, Share Registrars, Doctor, Dentist, Opticians, Vet, Schools, Employer, TV Licensing Authority, Satellite Company, Loyalty cards, Publications, Subscriptions (Magazines, Charities etc) Sports & Social Clubs and Professional Organisations.
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