Swoffers announces plans to staff its team of negotiators with AI

Community, Guernsey

Leading Guernsey estate agent Swoffers has announced today that it will become the first agency in the world to staff its team of negotiators entirely with artificial intelligence (AI) robots.

The company, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, has always had a reputation for innovation being the first agency on the island to have a website.

Director Craig Whitman said: “Whilst we have always been a people orientated business, we are constantly looking at ways we can improve our service and when we were approached by world-leading Japanese AI company Eipurifuru International with the idea, we were very excited.”

The company has worked with Swoffers over the last year with the existing team with a plan to create the perfect estate agent.

Mr Whitman added: “The new generation of estate agent robots come with industry leading features: all our robots are programmed to never over-promise and under-deliver, they have the latest hi-tech cameras installed guaranteed to never make rooms look bigger than they actually are, and most importantly, will always tell you the truth.”

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