Successful first joint promotion with Locate Guernsey in the UK


Swoffers were delighted to have supported Locate Guernsey at their first big corporate event that they have organised in the United Kingdom. Several of the Island’s leading companies, including Swoffers, hosted nearly 50 intermediaries and high net worth individuals at the T20 Blast evening game between Hampshire and Sussex on Friday 15th July which was televised live on Sky Sports.

Swoffers Director Shauna Clapham said “This was a great opportunity for some of our high profile businesses to put Guernsey on the map to a targeted audience and we made some excellent new contacts.”

Swoffers also took the opportunity to showcase their latest Swoffers TV programme ‘Relocating to Guernsey’ which features interviews with some high profile figures who have moved to the Island in recent years.

In October Swoffers will be attending the ‘London Showcase’ aimed at promoting the Island to key intermediaries, advisors and potential clients. Guest speakers including leading politicians and key figures in the business community will explain why they chose Guernsey and extol the virtues of our island.

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Document Duty
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You also need to factor in legal fees, court, Greffe, registration and bond fees which are variable depending on the size, nature and complexity of the purchase. *Properties purchased that are not utilised as a primary residence will incur an additional 2% document duty.

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