Getting ready for a week of smiles

Community, News

We are looking forward to the annual Random Acts of Kindness Week in aid of the Smile for Georgie Foundation, which starts this coming Monday (14th February).

The charity aims to to make a difference and bring smiles to the people of Guernsey through random acts of kindness, which Swoffers has proudly been a part of since its registration in 2018.

Previous years have seen bus users have their journeys paid for, new mums on Loveridge Ward gifted special pamper packs, and free coffees and croissants for office workers to name just a few. The Random Acts of Kindness Week initiative strives to honour Georgie’s memory by spreading happiness island-wide, and we’ll be doing exactly that every day next week. You’ll have to wait to find out what we’ve got in store for this year’s celebration, but keep your eyes peeled as we will be scattered around the island – hopefully spreading plenty of smiles!

Read more about the Smile for Georgie Foundation and its fantastic work.

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