Six Eighty One £1,795,000
St Peter's 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms
for Sale
Six Eighty One
Local MarketSt Peter's
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  • Original 1942 WWII bunker
  • Thought to be only converted personnel bunker on British soil
  • Now offers three bedrooms and three bathrooms
  • Newly built living and kitchen extension
  • Superb rural views to rear, with total site of 2.5 acres
  • Large south facing first floor terrace, substantial patio and gardens
  • Sea views to front from rooftop gardens and terrace
  • Many original features and a truly unique, bespoke home
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Originally constructed during the German Occupation of the Channel Islands in WWII, the reinforced concrete personnel shelter supported the coastal defences at ‘Wn. Grüne Düne’ (Resistance Nest Green Dunes) on Guernsey’s West Coast overlooking Rocquaine Bay. It once housed up to 12 soldiers and after an extensive four year renovation project, is now thought to be the only fully converted personnel bunker on British soil. Over a five month period, 144 tonnes of reinforced concrete was removed (including the entire 2 metre thick rear elevation) and a new cavity extension built at the rear to provide the living and kitchen areas seen today. There are numerous features within the property, including an original steel door frame which once held a half ton barn style door and a multitude of recessed, illuminated niches which once acted as vents throughout the bunker and are still visible in a couple of rooms. The original exterior structure was fully exposed, repaired and resealed, whilst the internal walls were sandblasted and a three coat epoxy seal applied to the internal ceilings and all internal walls and floors were tanked. At the same time, all walls, ceilings and floors were fully insulated, making it an incredibly efficient home to heat and run. Sat on a site of 2.5 acres, with sea views from the first floor rooftop garden and south facing rural views from the first floor terrace, ground floor extensive patio and gardens alongside, this is a truly bespoke, one off and unique home.

Route de La Lague, St Peter's
Perrys Ref: 20 B4
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