With all the political uncertainty, both in the UK and further afield, it’s safe to say that Guernsey remains an attractive jurisdiction to settle in.
The island not only offers favourable tax options when relocating but provides a wonderful lifestyle and quality of life that rivals most other jurisdictions.
It’s a safe place to live; it’s a secure and stable jurisdiction. The island is very welcoming. It’s easy to relocate to; it’s as simple as just buying or renting a home. It has an entrepreneurial culture and is a great place to do business.
Clients who have moved to Guernsey tell us it is a real hidden secret!
But how do we get that message across to a global audience?
The team at Swoffers is always looking for new ways to spread the word about Guernsey and highlight our vendors’ homes so they are seen by as wide an audience as possible, all over the world.
We have been working with our digital marketing partners on some innovative ways of targeting potential buyers and relocators in the UK and Europe and as far afield as the Far East and Arabia. As a 100% locally owned company we certainly punch well above our weight when compared to our international rivals.
But we’ve taken it one step further by joining delegates from Guernsey Finance on a recent We Are Guernsey marketing trip to areas where ex-pats are living and might be considering a move closer to home.
Swoffers Managing Director, Craig Whitman, travelled to Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai for a series of Private Wealth roadshows, presentations and meetings.
‘I was immensely proud to be promoting our Open Market and everything that Guernsey has to offer to a global audience including private wealth managers, lawyers, trust professionals and potential investors and relocators,’ said Craig.
‘I really didn’t know what to expect but the response has been phenomenal. So many people were impressed that we were out there in person and were interested in talking to me and finding out more about what the island can offer both them and their clients.’
Craig attended the STEP Asia Conference in Singapore where We Are Guernsey exhibited and, together with delegates from Investec, Walkers, Cazenove Capital and Collas Crill, hosted a lunchtime presentation about private wealth structures, investments and the island as a potential new home for both clients and their businesses.
‘It was the first time an estate agent has joined one of these marketing trips and it gave me the opportunity to talk about what Swoffers does, why we are the leading property specialists in Guernsey and how we can help anyone looking to relocate,’ said Craig.
‘Our message was that although there’s competition from other jurisdictions, Guernsey’s wealth of experience in the offshore arena stands us in good stead as a reliable, safe and stable jurisdiction to do business, and to buy a home. That message was well-received.’
The next stage of the trip to Hong Kong was also successful although interrupted by some of the political unrest that has recently troubled the region.
‘We still managed a pretty full schedule of individual and group meetings,’ said Craig.
‘I was delighted to meet with representatives from the British Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and various businesses and professionals representing high net worth clients. It was great that Jo Stoddart from Locate Guernsey was able to join us for this part of the marketing trip. Together we were able to give a full picture of the advantages of a move to Guernsey ranging from its tax benefits to its great work:life balance.’
After five days in Hong Kong the delegation moved on to Dubai for the STEP Arabia conference and another round of presentations and meetings.
‘I made some more great connections in Dubai and together with representatives from Beauvoir Trustees, Walkers and Skipton International we hosted a really well-received presentation raising awareness of what Guernsey can offer in terms of investment but also as the perfect destination to move your business and your family to.
‘Swoffers already commands more than 60% of all Open Market sales and 2019 has been another busy year with new enquiries from potential buyers in both the UK and further afield. But we can’t just assume that this will continue. We believe in continuing to invest in our brand, continuing to promote Guernsey and all it has to offer and exploring innovative ways to do this,’ says Craig.
‘But sometimes just sitting down and talking to people is the best way to get our message across and this was certainly true of my recent successful trip to the Far East and Dubai. This was the first time that Swoffers has ventured so far, but it definitely won’t be the last.’