Swoffers Attends Locate Guernsey Showcase

News, Open Market

A short film created by Swoffers was screened at this year’s Locate Guernsey London Showcase.

The event, which took place at the Leadenhall Building, was designed to present Guernsey as a relocation destination of choice and to celebrate the island’s internationally recognised business community.

Swoffers’ four-minute film, which was created for Swoffers TV online, features stunning footage of Guernsey as well as interviews with Justin and Anna Sykes, Oliver Cottam, Peter Cornell and Anna Guggenheim – professionals who swapped the city for island life.

‘We created the film as part of our Open Market marketing campaign and the intention was to show just what Guernsey has to offer both in terms of lifestyle and business opportunities,’ said Swoffers director Shauna Clapham, who attended the event.

‘We very much support the work of Locate Guernsey and the showcase provided a perfect opportunity to play the film. The whole event was a great way of meeting potential clients and it gave us the chance to promote Guernsey as a relocation destination of choice.’


The showcase was attended by key intermediaries, advisors and potential clients, who joined tables hosted by Guernsey businesses, including Swoffers.

David Ummels, managing director of Astin Capital, moved to Guernsey in July 2015 and was the event’s key speaker. There was also a panel discussion and a Guernsey-inspired lunch which celebrated the best of local produce.

Swoffers film ‘Relocating to Guernsey’ can be viewed online at https://www.swoffers.co.uk/news/swoffers-tv/.

For further information please contact Craig Whitman on 01481 711766, email craig@swoffers.co.uk

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