Making life easier for landlords and tenants


The internet is playing an ever-increasing role in our lives, and the Swoffers property management department has plugged in to the app revolution to make it easier for tenants to communicate any issues.

Technology has been a gamechanger for the entire property market, but up until now flagging up repairs sometimes meant long email chains, a tradesman with the wrong tools, a visit by the agent, lots of chasing up and wasted time.  In order to improve our customer service to tenants and landlords, we’ve started using a clever piece of software called Fixflo.

Simply, Fixflo is an online maintenance repair reporting platform which will help identify issues if tenants use the app and allow our property managers to deal with said issues more efficiently.

Property manager, Chris Markham, said the investment by Swoffers was all part of efforts to put the customer experience at the heart of the maintenance strategy.

‘Reporting repairs online 24/7 should be an industry standard, and this latest software means that tenants can report repairs in their property anytime online. It can be a false economy to leave a dripping tap, or a loose roof tile, or mould spots,’ he said.

‘These small problems can end up costing hundreds of pounds if they are left, so it is better that they are communicated swiftly, and dealt with efficiently.

‘Fixflo allows tenants to report issues in any of more than 40 languages and can be translated into English.

‘Our Management Team has been well trained in how to use the software and already we are getting good feedback on it from tenants and tradesman.

‘Apps are becoming standard and this one is really user friendly and super easy to use.’

Swoffers has the largest residential management team on the island; we look after hundreds of lettings. You are in safe hands when using Swoffers to look after your investment properties and can relax in the knowledge that Swoffers continues to improve customer service for both our landlords and their tenants. We make sure that our landlords’ properties are looked after with a dedicated Swoffers property manager to give the best possible service our landlords.

Fixflo’s tenant-facing side of the app is a picture-based reporting tool that automatically identifies issues.  The self-help guidance results in tenants resolving some of the minor issues meaning there is no need for property visits and call-out charges.  Of those not fixable by the tenants, tradesmen can see the problem via pictures and/or videos the tenants provide and can ensure they take the right tools and the right materials to a job the first time.

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You also need to factor in legal fees, court, Greffe, registration and bond fees which are variable depending on the size, nature and complexity of the purchase. *Properties purchased that are not utilised as a primary residence will incur an additional 2% document duty.

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