We’ve spent almost every waking hour within the same four walls for the last week and a half, so now it’s time for the youngsters to let their imaginations run wild.
We would like as many children as possible to colour or paint their dream home. It can be a cross section of rooms, the front, back or garden. Whatever you want it to be, we want to see it. For example, if you want a theme park in your back garden, show us how it would look.
You might want to go hi-tech and futuristic – the possibilities are endless.
We will have three age categories, with vouchers for Iris & Dora for the winners and runners up in each category. The age groups are: under 7, 8-11 and over 12.
1st place in each category: £25
2nd place in each category: £15
3rd place in each category: £10
Thanks to our friends at Iris & Dora who have matched our prize fund.
Simply scan or photograph your masterpiece and send it to: sales@swoffers.co.uk with your name, age and contact telephone number.
We will post a selection of colourings and paintings on our Facebook page, so keep an eye on it.
We will choose the winners on 30th April. Get creative and good luck!