Advice for those affected by local Estate Agent closure


Following the recent news of a local estate agent in financial difficulty and seemingly no longer trading, we have fielded many calls today from understandably concerned tenants, landlords, purchasers and vendors.

Whilst we cannot comment on specifics, we will happily provide help or advice as best we can on a totally free, no obligation basis. Please feel free to contact Andy Biggins or Ross Yeates on 721757 or any of their team who will be happy to talk with you.

We, like many in the property profession within Guernsey, are genuinely surprised and saddened by what has happened but, at the same time, none of us is fully aware of the full facts and therefore we are keen to avoid any speculation and conjecture that leads to any more stress and upset.

We will all do our best to help anyone affected however we hope that there is a satisfactory outcome for all clients and customers affected by this.

General considerations:

1. If you are a tenant and do not have direct contact with your Landlord, see if you can find an address for them on your lease. This may, in turn, enable you to do a directory search and find a phone number for them. If you don’t have this information, by all means, let us know any information you do have and we will happily see if we can track them down on your behalf.

2. Clearly, a tenant should not be paying money into an account that they have concerns over but they should be putting money to one side as the rent will need to be paid at some stage.

3. We fully encourage tenants to get legal advice because every lease will have a slightly different clause. If you can’t afford legal advice, then Citizens Advice may be able to help.

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